Sunday, October 23, 2011

Youtube Faves.

This blog is still alive.
We want to share a few of the youtube vids we watch when we're feelin' a little blue. Mostly when homework threatens to take over my sanity.
It's this arsenal that's got us dubbed as the go-to peeps for new vids. (I should note that Katie Harris is still the reigning youtube queen, but due to her current missionary state somebody had to take over.)

Almost makes me want to vote for him.

George Bush bloopers are still the resident go-to when we're really feeling awful.

 Favorite moments: "I'm becoming trapped in the balloon!" "This is the last thing I need right now."

And now for the little kids section. "I'm four. You are not four."

This one makes me cry laughing.

Chuck Testa does not taxidermize pets. 

I love keyboard cat. I don't know why. But I love.

Maybe only the Japanese speakers will appreciate this one in its fullest.

Since I included Keyboard Cat, we had to put in the Hoff for Jared.

Bahahh. Slides.

Fishing bloopers. 'nuff said.
We'll probably be back with part two shortly, because youtube might be one of our favorite pastimes.